Lya Qaisara
Now, Lya dah pandai nak borak2... every morning, after taking her bath.. she'll refuse to sleep.. she could stay awake until 1:00 to 2:00pm.. bukak mata besar2, asking everybody to layan her beborak.... if left alone.. meaning takde org layan, she'll cry...
Majlis kenduri akikah and cukur jambul Lya were held on 1st Jan 2008... Alhamdulillah, evrything went well... and sepanjang majlis cukur tu, Lya tido aje... hehe... sebaik tak melalak masa tu..
Lya kuat sgt menom susu... it'll take about 1/2 hr to 1 hr to bf her at one particular time.. sometimes, tak cukup jugak.. and I hav to top up with bottle milk.. sian dia lapar... Maybe I should take supplement to increase my breast milk... now, dah start perah susu to stock up kat dlm fridge... skarang ni, sekali perah, dapat la 4 oz.. still tak byk.. guess bf isnt as easy as it looks.. took a lot of hard work... luckily I hav Along who exclusively bf her children, though she's working.... byk tanye along aje tips2 on bf..
I'm starting to get really really really bored with the confinement period.... dah la makanan tak de byk choice... let say, tghari tu mkn ikan pindang... sampai ke malam laa masak pindang tuh... adeh... kalau hari2 centu, sapa tak boring... I dont mind makan rebus2 nih.. tak mkn menda2 goreng and minyak2 tu takpe.. but the same things for 44 days??.. adehh.....
plus i hav to wear the bengkung every day and night (punye la susah nak begerak lepas pakai bengkung..) plus param and pilis sume (bau sket punye tak best...) plus socks 24 hrs a day (makes my feet itchy, ok......) Jalan Laju2 tak boleh.. turun tangga pun tak bleh.... tido pun kena stret mcm kayu... abih tu, bleh jadik gile gak cemnih.. cepat2 laa abih pantang....
1 comment:
On bf and pantang matter: Go Linda! Go!...hehehe
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