Today is Lya's 9th month birthday... This was how she wakes up this morning.. with a big grin on her face... bangun sahur sekali dgn haku.. huhuuu... Alhamdulillah she's a healthy and cheeky lil girl... berkat susu ibu... and becoming more and more clingy to me... and going to work every morning is becoming more and more difficult.. she'll cry or at least merengek before I go... haiihhh....
Mummy... Lya dah 9 month.. I've grown upp...!
nite before, she woke up like every hour, and I was like zombie at the office, trying to finish one drawing review, took me the whole day! tu pun tak abih jugak lagi.. it was a thin drawing, and it took me one whole day to finish it.. betape tak efisiennye...
By the way... this was what we had last weekend.. for berbuka.. all home made punye aaa... takyah gi restoran.. saje nak bagi terlur sket bulan2 posa nih...
Siakap Sweet Sour
And lots and lots more... huuuuhuuu.
Sedapnye..terliur adah kat sini..huhuhu
mak aih
muakakaka.. tu baru paste ckit je gambo.. tak masuk bab kuih2 lagik... yg lain tak sempat amik... hehe...
comeiiii nye si lya ni...! raye ni bwk die jalan rumah i k :) biar aunty amy main ngan dier..hehe
okeh auntiee... nnt Lya datang umah.. ready duit rayerrr.. hihii
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