31 Oct 2013


Few weeks back, kitorang 1 family kena gatal2... mula2 Mia.. ingatkan dia salah makan, or something yang dia allergic... so, i just bought hydrocort cream from pharmacy to release her itchiness, and her redness went away...

Tapi later, gatal2 dia pergi ke tempat lain pulak... dan bertambah banyak macam kena gigit nyamuk... lepas tu, kakak pulak asyik tergaru2... and end up, all of us including bibik had the same symptoms... at first we thought it was mosquitoes or dirty water... but the itchiness became worst until we cant sleep.... Kesian kat Mia... some nights i just had to forced myself to stay with her and rub my palm onto her to ease he itchiness.... and to prevent her scracthing.... sampai merah and berdarah....

So we went to doctor, and doctor confirmed it was scabies... or gatal2 sebab hama... and as far as i know, hama ni akan muncul kalau tempat tu kotor, or berhabuk.... and i kept wondering where on earth we caught scabies. Sebab bibik akan mop every week, and sometimes selang 2 hari...

anyway, doctor gave us this...

Photo googled

And all family members had to undergo the treatment.. so that scabies will not be transferred from one person to the others. So there we were, rubbing the lotion from neck downwards.. the whole body... for 3 nights.... seluruh badan tu... tapi macam bonding session pun ada, coz we helped each other... budak2 suke je... sesi menyapu lotion.. haha...

The scariest thing that i have read is that these scabies akan bertelur di bawah kulit... and makan kulit kita.. causing our skin become red and gatalnye Tuhan je yg tahu.... not the normal itchy because of mosquito bites.. but reaaaallly gatal sampai tak tahan... kat office pun tergaru2...

But the most challenging part is to kill the scabies permanently... the best way is we had to boil all our bedsheet and pillow cases... tapi payah la.. mana pulak nak carik kawah nak merebus selimut... but what we did was washed all towels, bedsheet pillow cases, cushions.. and put all pillows and mattresses yang boleh diangkat under the sun nearly every day for a week. Towels memang nearly tiap2 hari basuh.... and jemur under matahari panas sampai garing every single day.... Tough days for bibik, but we had to do that.. or, it will come back.

We do not know from where we caught the scabies... but i became really paranoid since then... it could be from our home in putra heights since we came back only on weekends, so, those scabies could have permanently live on our mattresses there... or could be from our new home since habuk merata2... but anyhow, leganye skarang dah takde gatal2.... we have learned our lesson..

Say no to habuk... and hama.... Now akan pakai dettol untuk mengemop lantai... and sabun dettol untuk mandi gak....

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