13 Apr 2008

Halo people...

It has been a while... lately I was too busy.. and dont hav much time to blog.. (or am i the one who do not make the time for blogging?) it's just that i dont usually blog at the office, and at home, my lil lovey dovey, Lya Qaisara is getting bossier than ever.... but actually, i just love being bossed by her.. haha...

few updates...


29th March, Angah got engaged... (finally...) I went back to my hometown in Taiping.. and went to Sg Dua, where the ceremony took place... since his fiance's still studying, they plan to get engaged for about one and a half year.. (iskk lama nye...)

Our side gave 9 dulangs (includes sejadah, baju nikahtelekung, cincin risik, cincin tunang, etc..) and Liyana (Angah's fiance) side gave back 11 dulangs... (comprises cake, some sweets, chocolate, fruits... ghee..lupa dah.... tu laa.. sapa suruh lama tak update blog... haha...) I gave Angah a cake, as one of the hantarans....

lawa kan kek tu,kan, kan...?

along tgh sarung cincin... haha.. blurred photo.. since Lya was on my lap when i took this photo..

Lya was okay in the beginning of the ceremony, but towards the end, she was a lil bit cranky.. and when i checked.. she pooped...! kui kui.... maka, terpaksa la haku buat mcm rumah sendirik, pegi basuh berak dia kat one of the rooms in the house.. Anyhow, since i was too bz entertaining si kecik nih, i dont even hav one photo with Angah's fiance... ngeeee...

Ni lah muke budak jepun baru lepas u' ukk..

Nothin much to update, really... my job's getting more and more busy lately, and i'm tryin to adjust with my workload...(but still aku balik kul 6pm, paling lambat pun, okeh... kekeke) but hopefully i wont be assigned out of town at the moment... not in the near future.. last month i was out of office twice in 2 weeks...! Bintulu trip was boring... well... its bintulu.. what do u expect... it became worst when both my flights.. to and fro was delayed.. more than an hour.. isshkk... think Malaysia airlines should improve their services, okeh... betape busannye aku jadik pak pacak kat airport tu...

Singapore trip was okay.. it was my 2nd time to Singapore actually, but i didnt even have the chance to go to the medilion... anyhow, i managed to ran down to Hard rock cafe singapore to buy few HRC tshirts.. and went walking alone at the orchard road during the nights, didnt snap any photo coz it was raining...

its appraisal time, this month, but since i'm not working for the last financial year, aku rilek aje, while everybody else busy preparing their SEP.... huhu.. this year takde la bonus utk kuuu... isskk...

Lya Qaisara

She's 4 months and 2nd week now...haihhh... cepatnye anak mommy membesar...last 3 weeks during her 3rd month jab, her weight was 5.85kg... few updates on her milestone :

  • she's an attention seeker... that explains why i dont hav much time to blog lately... she'll cry whenever she sees nobody around her....
  • easily distracted during feeding time... she'll stop drinking her milk if she hears any noise or anybody passes by.... end up, i hav to feed her, quietly in our room, so that she gives full concentration while taking her meals.
  • she loves to hold up her cute lil arms and play with her cute lil hands and cute tiny fingers, and... did i mention she's cute..? maybe she just discovered that she has hands... hihi...
everything on her is tiny and cute.....
  • suke main air liur and sembur2... ishkkk... abih basah lenjun baju dia..

Anak mommy menyembur2....
  • dah meniarap...! yeay....!

cubaan kali ke-3....


Neny said...

Finally ko update gak blog, berbaloi la aku dok melawat blog mengharapkan ada update.

Lawanya bakal kakak ipar...hehehe. Kakak ko pon lawa , cam anak dara pulak aku tgk, jeles weh...

Lya dah pandai meniarap...nanti sikit lagi lagi la ko sibuk kalau dia dah stat kutip bendas masuk mulut.

Lamanya ko x online kat YM. Bila nak online?

nde said...

tu lah pasal... maleh sgt mengupdate blog dah haaa...

kakak aku je ke yg lawa? adiknye tak lawa ke? hahaaa...

aku online jugak skali skale.. hehe.. biase lee.. cubical kat opis tu public sgt... susah nak buat projek berchatting... hehe...