Some of my frens have been asking me on how am i doing with my milk stock... so far dah ade banyak ni aje...
That is after nearly 2 weeks I've started pumping to stockup my milk... Maybe to some people, pumping is easy... but for me, it takes so much of hardwork to stockup that amount... especially when I'm feeding her directly nowadays.. Ada sekali tu, I nearly cried when my milk was thrown away.. coz my MIL thot susu basi after few days... adehh.. pumping is soooo hard then suddenly, susu kena buang.. ishkk.. sape tak sedih... huhu... well, it's my fault after all not telling her upfront that breastmilk can last up to 3 months when stored in freezer.. 2 days when stored in referigerator... and 4 hours at room temperature...
Now, I managed to pump only about 5 Oz per day... that is twice a day.. hav to get up at about 5-6 a.m coz that's when I felt that I can pump the most.. and another time in the evening.. when Lya was sleeping... tu pun.. petang2 dapat 1 oz aje... coz she drinks almost every hour during the days... and her nenek and unyang kept asking me to campur2 with bottle milk coz takut susu tak cukup... hey.. I'm trying my best here to stockup as much as I can, okay... bagi le support.. ishhkk.. and I want to feed her nothing but my breastmilk... lagipun, every 3-4 days, I feed her with bottle milk jugak.. coz takut she refuses to take bottle milk langsung... anyhow, she never fails to drink from bottle.. dia nak aje...
Now I'm taking this milkmaid tea to increase my milk supply... sedap ooo... kalau letak ais ni mesti agi sedap... huhu.. bila nak abih 100 days nih... nak menom teh ais aaa....
And I'm trying to gather as much information as I can on bf... luckily I have Along and many friends who fully support exclusive bf.. So, most of the info I got from them... and from online reading materials..
Lya Qaisara
She's 41 days today... (hihi.. 3 ari lagi Mommy abis pantang... yey yey..) Few updates on her:
- Dah pandai mintak bibik gendong... ishkk.. especially during the days... she'll sleep the most, 1 hour kalau letak atas tilam dia.. but kalau gendong.. berjam2.... or kena pangku je.. adehh... cemane eh? kalau letak, sure menjerit... huhu... any tips, anybody? Kena buai jugak le nih... I tried not to use buai.. but kalau dia buat perangai cemni... sapa larat gendong dia lama2... ish ish... Lya... Lya..
- Responses if people agah dia... and pandai sebut "goo... goo"...
- suke mengiring... especially when we remove her pillow....
- melts my heart with her smiles ..... sejuk hati, ilang penat bile tengok dia senyum.....
Alemak.. blurr la pulak gambo nih... daddy... new camera please....? hehe
Budak bulat... berkat susu ibu... kekek....
Budak bulat... berkat susu ibu... kekek....
Okay.. that's all for today... to all my blog readers (chewwah.. like I have so many...) bear with me.. coz I'm gonna update on my lil dotter as much as possible.. nak bagi daddy dia baca gak...
Baru nampak mata lya bulat sikit...
Aku menyokong sepenuhnya usaha ko to breastfeed exclusively. Mmg org keliling akan berckp mcm2. Tapi pekakkan aje telinga. Aku dulu x dpt nak buat exclusively tapi aku bf as much as possible and pump where possible. Alhamdullilah, sampai kembar 2 thn baru stop bf. Next baby aku determine nak bg exclusively.
Baby dlm pantang mmg jgn ajar pegang2, nanti dia nak dipegang sentiasa. Mak aku kata biarkan kejap dia menangis, jgn dia nangis sikit aje terus angkat. Lama sikit baru angkat. Tambahkan tempoh biarkan tu sehari ke sehari. Lelama dia akan biasa.
mata dia mmg sepet agaknye.. terkenan org jopun...
ko dpt twins musti lagi mencabar nak bf.. ade akak opis aku dpt twins, bleh xclusively bf sampai umur 2thn lebih.. dah 2 thn lebih baru campur.. hehe.. terer2...
si lya tu mmg loud speaker gak.. huhu.. skali jerit, riuh satu taman.. hehe.. nnt le aku biar dia jerit lama2 dulu baru angkat.. hehe..
mak ai.. giler byk susu ko perah..
sape nih... tu kira sikit la woi... org lain bleh perah penuh satu freezer....
aku la ni.. encik ye ker.. mana la aku tau pasal susu kategori nie...
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